How Can I Advertise I’m Now Offering Minimally Invasive Surgery?

minimally invasive vet surgery

How Do I Tell Clients About Minimally Invasive Surgery?

You’ve made the very important and vital decision to offer minimally invasive surgery at your veterinary practice. Congratulations! The next step is telling clients about your new, advanced technology and how it will help their pets.

VetOvation offers in-practice training on using our equipment, helping your entire team learn how to use the equipment as well as how to set-up for a procedure and sterilize the equipment. During these training sessions we encourage you to take photos and videos to share on your own website and social media. This is the time to let clients know you are now offering a better option for their pets. You can also send out an e-newsletter to your clients, including videos or photos, and explain why minimally invasive surgery is better for their cats, dogs, rabbits, and other pets!

Social Media Marketing Minimally Invasive Surgery

There are many ways to market your practice’s new technology on social media. When a patient presents with a severe case of ear mites, take a short video with our Video Otoscope and post that on Facebook and Instagram. After your first laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy, post before and after photos of the patient, showing the tiny incisions and happy patient. Encourage your clients to comment on these posts with photos of their pet a few days after surgery and share your post on their personal pages. Be sure to use popular Instagram hashtags so that people will find your posts!

Digital Marketing of Your Practice’s New Technology

Your practice has made a significant investment in taking veterinary medicine to the next level and your clients need to know about it! Include a page on your practice’s website which discusses minimally invasive surgery and the types of procedures you will perform. Don’t forget those adorable puppy and kitten pictures, as well as photos of your team using the equipment. Consult with your advertising agency on the best way to include minimally invasive surgery in your search engine optimization and pay per click marketing strategies.

Traditional Styles of Marketing

Many of VetOvation’s clients have used traditional marketing to showcase that they have adopted minimally invasive surgery technology, including brochures and posters throughout their hospital. If your clients spend time in a waiting room or lobby, be sure to have a brochure, flyer, or poster in the lobby detailing that you are proud to offer this safer form of surgery for pets. Add minimally invasive surgery to your “on hold recording” so that clients calling the practice will learn this is something you offer. Reach out to local animal adoption or rescue organizations and offer to perform a few surgeries for free. This grassroots type of marketing will go a long way in spreading the word about your veterinary hospital.

Contact Us For More Information

VetOvation is proud to stand by our products and training services. We can recommend various types of marketing programs and advertising agencies to help you achieve a positive return on investment for your new technology. Contact us for more information!