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Laparoscopy + Endoscopy + Orthopedics + Sterilization
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VetOvation is a leading provider of veterinary surgical equipment to veterinarians around the world. We specialize in minimally invasive veterinary laparoscopy and endoscopy along with training for their use. Our veterinary surgical instruments become an extension of your hands, but are smaller than the diameter of a straw. They grasp, dissect, cut tissue along with coagulating vessels inside the chest, abdomen or a joint.. From a simple iPhone adaptor to full laparoscopic surgical systems, we carry equipment for a wide range of situations and applications.
VetOvation is committed to helping your practice adopt this technology. Our goal is to help your practice make these minimally invasive procedures the standard of care in your community.
Common minimally invasive surgeries performed by general practice veterinarians:
- Liver & Kidney Biopsies
- Laparoscopic Spay (OVE & OVH)
- Cryptorchid Castration
- Abdominal Exploration
- Cystoscopy for bladder stone removal
- Splenectomy
- Cholecystectomy
- Pericardiectomy
- Adrenalectomy
- Prophylactic Gastropexy
- Video otoscopy
- Rhinoscopy