How Does the Veterinary Video Otoscope System Work?

veterinary video otoscopeHow Does the Veterinary Video Otoscope Work?

Every routine or sick patient exam includes a peek into the pet’s ears to evaluate for disease and parasites. An otoscope allows better visualization of the tympanic membrane and inner ear tissue. Veterinarians treat all creatures great and small, and those creatures don’t always understand that the human with the big metal tool in their hands is trying to help them feel better. To best visualize inside the ear with an otoscope, a veterinarian must get very close to a pet’s head, and if a pet reacts suddenly, the veterinarian is hit in the face with the otoscope.

The Video Otoscope connects to your iPhone or iPod Touch, and the camera technology processes videos and still images. This allows for better diagnosis and treatment of patients. Veterinarians no longer need to get close to a patient’s head; they just need to be close enough to the screen. Imagine being able to take a video of ear mites crawling in your feline patient’s ears and show it to the owner! Or take images of the extreme redness and inflammation in your canine patient’s ears and explain to the owner the proper way to those ears without causing further damage. The biopsy/grasping instrument can be used to remove masses and the suction and irrigation device can be used to clean heavily infected ear canals.

How Can the Video Rhinoscope Aid in Diagnosis?

Nasal passages can be the hardest to evaluate well due to their size. The scope is inserted inside the sedated patient’s nostrils, allowing the veterinarian to fully visualize all tissues and check for foreign objects or masses. Again, the video and still image capability offers veterinarians the opportunity to show owners the exact ailment, which can increase owner compliance with treatment recommendations. The rhinoscope biopsy/grasping instrument can then be used to remove masses or foreign objects.

Are There Other Uses for the Video Rhinoscope/ Otoscope?

Yes! These instruments can also be used in hard-to-intubate patients, training new veterinarians or veterinary technicians, and for recording treatment progress over time.

Interested in the veterinary video Rhinoscope/ Otoscope? Reduce the pain and agitation often associated with otoscopic and rhinoscopic evaluations with a simpler and less upsetting option for pets and owners. Contact us today to learn more.

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