What To Expect After A Dog Has An Endoscopy Procedure

An endoscopy is a diagnostic procedure using a veterinary endoscope to visualize the interior of a dog’s body. It’s typically used to identify and diagnose medical conditions, such as ulcers or tumors. After the endoscopy, it is important to understand what post-operative care is necessary in order to ensure the health and safety of the dog. From Vetovation, here’s what to know after a dog has an endoscope veterinary procedure.

Monitoring for Side Effects

There are various side effects that may be experienced by a dog after a veterinary endoscopy procedure. These can range from mild to severe. The most common side effects from a procedure done with a veterinary endoscope include lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, appetite loss, or fever. After being treated with anesthesia, dogs may undergo temporary behavioral changes such as aggression. Small children should not be left alone with them while in recovery. If these side effects persist into the following days, have the owners bring the dog back for reevaluation.

Managing Pain

Medication for pain relief following the veterinary endoscopy procedure will need to be provided. This is necessary in order to help ease any discomfort or pain that the dog may experience due to the procedure itself or due to any underlying issues diagnosed during the procedure. Typical pain medications used after open veterinary surgical procedures may be used as necessary if the dog is in visible discomfort.

Dietary Considerations

It is important not to feed the dog immediately after a veterinary endoscopy procedure with an as it can cause discomfort and increase their risk of vomiting or diarrhea. Wait a few hours before giving food and water, then have the owner gradually reintroduce food into their diet over the next one or two days post-procedure. Recommend that the owner sticks with small amounts of light food such as chicken broth or boiled rice along with plenty of fresh water until fully recovered before transitioning back into their regular diet plan.

Vetovation | Endoscope Veterinary

Endoscopic procedures are great ways to see what is going on inside dogs’ bodies without undergoing major surgery. While there may be some mild soreness and discomfort associated with an endoscope veterinary procedure, with proper care and monitoring, most dogs make full recoveries within just a few days. Are you looking for equipment for your practice like a veterinary endoscope? Vetovation can help! We offer a wide range of surgical instruments and equipment for veterinary procedures. To browse our full selection, visit our website today.

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