The Future of Minimally-Invasive Surgical Tools in Veterinary Medicine and How They May Shape the Field

As technology advances, the veterinary field is seeing an increase in minimally invasive veterinary surgery[...]

Ovarioectomy vs. Ovariohysterectomy: Pros and Cons

With regards to spaying female pets, many veterinarians are faced with a difficult decision –[...]

Incorporating a Vessel Sealing Device into Your Practice: A Step-by-Step Guide

At VetOvation, we specialize in providing innovative surgical equipment to veterinary professionals. One of our[...]

Frequently Asked Questions about Gas Plasma Sterilization in Veterinary Medicine

As a veterinary professional, proper sterilization in any surgical procedure is crucial. Gas sterilization veterinary[...]

Why Minimally Invasive Surgery is Gaining Popularity Among Veterinarians

Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is a surgical technique that uses small incisions and specialized tools[...]

The Top 5 VetOvation Products Every Veterinarian Needs

Veterinarians require top-quality veterinary equipment to provide the best care for their patients. However, running[...]

Make Minimally Invasive Veterinary Surgery (MIS) Possible with Gas Plasma Sterilization

Veterinary medicine has come a long way in recent years, and one of the most[...]

The Latest Advances in Endoscope Technology for Veterinary Medicine

Endoscopy has become an increasingly important procedure in veterinary medicine over the past few decades. With[...]

Veterinary Endoscope Vs. Traditional Surgeries: A Comparison

If you’re looking into purchasing a veterinary endoscope for your practice, you’re likely thinking of[...]

The Importance of Proper Maintenance and Care for Your Gas Plasma Sterilizer

As a veterinarian, you understand the importance of sterilization in maintaining a safe and healthy[...]