Veterinary Small Animal Intubation Laparoscope


Veterinary Rigid Laparoscope Perfect for Rabbits, Exotics or Pocket Pets

1.9mm diameter scope for intubation

Includes a Tracheal Intubation Catheter

Veterinary Small Animal Laparoscope for Rabbit/Exotic Intubation from VetOvation

Rigid Laparoscope for rabbits, exotics or pocket pets

  • Scope provides 35-degree field of view with 30X magnification
  • 1.8mm distal scope tip.  180mm shaft length
  • Compatible with Karl Storz, Stryker, Olympus, Dyonics and other standard camera heads
  • Light adapts to Karl Storz, Stryker, Olympus, Dyonics and other standard light cords
  • Also compatible with standard handheld lights
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